Monday, September 30, 2013

Tamil Proverbs – Part 2

பங்குனி என்று பருக்கிறதுமில்லை, சித்திரை என்றும் சிறுக்கிறுதுமில்லை.
Neither does he expand in March nor does he get lean in April.
Panguni(around March) in Tamil calendar is the month of big harvest. Sithirai(April ) is a month where there is little profit. The proverb is used of a man who dont change their behaviour with change in seasons.
“A wise man is he who knows that prosperity and adversity are alike”
” He swells not in prosperity, and shrinks not in adversity .”
குறையச் சொல்லி , நிறைய அள.
Tell the defect to get more quantity.

To point out the defect in the goods to make a good bargain.(readers input- Thanks to Prabulingam)

அஞ்சும் மூன்றும் உண்டானால் , அறியாப்பெண்ணும் சமைக்கும்.
If the five and the three are at hand, even an ignorant girl can cook.

It is easy to do a thing when one has all the help required.
The ‘five’ are pepper, salt, mustard, cumin and tamarind. The ‘three’
are water, fire and fuel.

அரைக்காசை ஆயிரம் பொன்னக்குகிறவளும் பெண்சாதி , ஆயிரம் பொன்னை அறைக்காசு ஆக்கு கிறவளும் பெண்சாதி.

The one who is capable of converting half a coin into a thousand gold coins is a wife, and the one who is capable of reducing a thousand gold coins to half a coin is also a wife.

This why people say marriage is made in heaven. If you have a good wife you have agood fortune, if you have a bad one you are doomed.
” All women are good : good for something or good for nothing.”

ஒரு நாளும் சிரிக்காதவன் திருநாளில் சிரித்தான் , திருநாளும் வேறு நாளாச்சுது .
When one who had never smiled, smiled on a sacred day, even the sacred day became an ordinary day.

Or better :

ஒரு நாளுமில்லாமல் திருநாளுக்குப் போனால் , திருநாளும் வேரு நாளாச்சுது.
When a man, who never attended a festival, attends one, even the festival day becomes a common day.

This just goes to show how unluckly people are or how last minute events spoils a long awaited day.

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